Trusted by the World's Leading Sports, Entertainment and Corporate Brands.
10M +
customers engaged in 2022
8000 +
events using Versus technology

Welcome to Versus Systems.
We have a proud history of creating compelling, engaging, interactive experiences for our clients and their users.
Versus has a platform that allows content creators and brands to put games and real-world rewards inside their distinct content.
Our patented earned-rewards system is optimized for brands, for content companies, broadcasters, app developers, and audiences.
People love playing. People love winning.
We’re building the next phase of interactive media and we continue to make games, apps, shows, streams, and live events more fun.
Let’s create the game within your game. Join us at Versus.
Luis Goldner, CEO
Meet the Leadership Team
Luis Goldner
Chief Executive Officer
Geoff Deller
Chief Financial Officer
Alex Peachey
Chief Technology Officer